Sep 30, 2013

Half Day

I am reading War and Peace.  
I am almost done with it.
pg.1055  out of 1417
Only 362 pages left to go.
I should be able to get that done in an afternoon.
But I know I won't.

Today is my Twenty-One and a Half day.
I was going to say I was halfway to being 22, but I hit that mark when I was eleven.
I am directly between 21 and 22.  
As others who have also been this age will tell you, it does feel no different. 

The trees are starting to turn colors.
It was hard to tell at  first, because parts of them are dying from something else and have been brown all year.
But the maples are definitely turning red at the tops.

Part of every day is spent catching the last bits of summer in the form of chalk, butterflies, and dandelion puffs.

Sep 29, 2013

My Style

I enjoy pinterest immensely.
The favorite among my boards is the board labeled My Style.
Sometimes I go and look at it, just to remind myself of what I like.
It's a way of double checking and making sure I'm not just going along with current fashion.
I want to make sure I am wearing what I like to wear, regardless of what other people think.
That's why the board is called My Style, and not Fashion.
I dress in what I like, not what other people like.

Sep 18, 2013


Technically we have lived below the poverty line for the past three years, yet I have never felt poor.
God provides in such amazing ways for our needs and gives us so much more beyond that.

The box of tomatoes from a woman at church.
The garbage bag of clothes from neighbors I had never met. (2 separate times)
The tax returns that are just in time to pay the bills.
The car with working A/C.
The meals that turn out even when I forget ingredients.
The rain on my birthdays.
The dandelions.
The overflowing love and forgiveness in our little family.

God is so good to us.


The garden is almost finished.  
The lettuce turned bitter long ago and was pulled up.
The peppers tasted absolutely disgusting and some of them have started rotting from the inside out.
The tomatoes taste alright, but have also started rotting from the inside.
I'm afraid to pull up any of the three carrots.

Sep 11, 2013

Pork Brains

When we lived in town there was a Food4Less right around the corner.  
Walking distance.
I loved that store!
You never knew what you were going to find.
Yummm yummm!

In case your soul's a little bland.

Want a little Hostess with your quinoua?

Alligator Filet, what else needs to be said?

I have grown more adventurous in the past few months, braver too.
I can't believe that I didn't take advantage of these adventures that were just waiting there!
If we ever move close to a Food4Less again I will be setting aside grocery money to try new and unusual foods.
Like alligator filets, and maybe even pork brains.  
They can't be that bad.