Nov 10, 2012

Not a Nancy Drew

When was younger, I loved reading the old mystery novels by Carolyn Keene, and later on, I played the computer games.  I still do, on occasion.
At the end, when Nancy Drew saved the day and justice was served, I would heave a dreamy sigh and wish I was the heroine.  Then reality would hit me. 

I would never go beyond a No Trespassing sign.
If someone told me not to go in somewhere, I wouldn't.  That wouldn't mean I'd would not try to peek in, but I would not step inside.
I would never go through someone's drawers, and definitely not their journals!
I was raised better than to snoop in someone's house.
I would not go sneaking down dark tunnels and secret passageways in the middle of the night by myself.  I would at least take a dog.

So, I'm no Nancy Drew.  But I also have never been knocked unconscious, chloroformed unconscious, or strangled unconscious.  
I have not been in any near drowning, burning, or suffocating situations.
And I have never been tied up and had to rap out SOS with my heel.
Is it worth the safety to give up the glory of solving a mystery?
For me it is.  I'm more of a Bess or George,  standing on the sidelines, just a phone call away.  I'm ready to help you solve a riddle or give advice.  I will search for clues to your mystery on the internet and in books, but don't expect me to bring your lock pick if you forgot it.  

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