I have the greatest pity for people who have never found a four leaf clover.
I cannot fathom that.
I have found more than I can keep track of.
I found these 4 in less than five minutes tonight.
If you are desperate to find more clovers, look at every clover in a 12" by 12" patch.
If you do not find one, move a few feet away, and repeat.
When you do find one, don't pick it right away. Look at it among the other clover and grass.
Look away and look back again.
Do this until you are able to find it easily.
This will help your brain remember how to pick out the four leaf pattern from the rest of the ordinary clover.
You can actually train yourself to pick out four leaf clovers without thinking about it.
If you find one, you are likely to find others nearby.
I have never found a four leaf clover. All of the boys can...even Ty. Thanks for the trick!! Faith