Jul 12, 2012

Teething babies and sick cats do not make for a pleasant afternoon.
Yesterday it sounded like a murder in progress in this apartment.  I am so glad that the woman underneath us was on vacation.  
Haydn, pronounced Hye-din, named after the composer, was sick yesterday.  Really sick.
It started when I was in the middle of mopping the floor.  He began puking, which, in keeping to tradition, he only does on a carpeted area.  As soon as I got one mess cleaned up he was working on expelling another.  I racked my brain for some reason for him to be sick, but found none.  Because I have a 10 months old, there was nothing that he could have eaten off the floor and no chemicals he could have gotten into.  He didn't seem to be running a fever and his nose was wet.  I tried to force some hairball medication into him, but it came right back up.  As he was gacking up the hairball medication, I stood up and knocked the scissors off the sewing table.  Jane woke up screaming bloody murder.  I picked her up, but with the cat howling feline doomsday verses at my feet, I couldn't calm her down.  I finally sat down and nursed her to calm her down.  
Meanwhile, Haydn was laying on the bed in the living room.  My husband and I slept on a twin mattress when we first got married, and we sometimes pull it out to sleep on just for fun.   The cat pooped on this bed, right in front of me.  I had considered locking him in the bathroom, but he had been in the litter box or throwing up every time I went to confine him.  Now I wished I had interrupted a puke in order to quarantine him.
I put a crying Jane in the high chair with a handful and ran the cat into the litter box.  The I called my mom while I cleaned up the mess.  She suggested taking away his food for 12 hours and locking him in the bathroom, which I did, as soon as he left the litter box.  After locking him up, I cleaned up the remaining puke piles.
This morning both the cat and baby are substantially happier.  Haydn is no worse for the wear after yesterday, and Jane seems to have no long term psychological effects.  
There are a lot of worse things that could have happened in combination.  I'm glad I only had to deal with a puking cat and a teething baby together.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, yuck! You are a strong little woman to put up with all that! I'm glad you're no worse for the wear. Sounds like the exciting stuff of legend. Mother fighting cat and baby. Haha! :)
