May 30, 2013

Monkey's Wedding

 Tonight was a night that makes you feel, somehow, more alive.
The wind blew incredibly hard today, and then just stopped.
The rain crows had called and the storm answered.
All around the sky poured out grey.
Not silver, just grey.
We hid in the farm house, except for Nellie, the farm dog, who goes into a kind of stupor when rain comes.  
She lays on the back porch and sleeps.  When you wake her, her eyes are glassy and she doesn't seem to see you.  
Nothing can rouse her.
As soon as you leave her she goes back into her rain coma.
Inside, we weren't much better.
We watched I love Lucy, Wheel of Fortune, and a documentary about cats.
Then, just before dusk, the sun came out.
The storm had somehow condensed it, and then poured it out upon us.
It shone through the still falling rain.
A sunshower, or a monkey's wedding, which ever term you prefer.

Everything was touched with gold. 

The air was fresh and clean, emerging from the water, surrounded by light. 

I have learned the aura that the land gets when it's rainbow weather.
I can look out a window and tell that there is a rainbow somewhere.
The air itself gets this golden hue.
I was not disappointed.

My husband later told me that when I went outside, he was afraid I wouldn't come back.

If night never came, I don't think I could have.

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