May 7, 2013

The Bible in 90 days

I am reading the Bible, in 90 days.
I've heard people say that if you read the bible that fast you don't actually get what it's saying, or that you're doing it just to prove a point or show off.
I've done this before, and none of it is true.
There is a degree of pride that has to be guarded against. (How many people do you know that have read the bible in 90 days?)
Contrary to not getting what it's saying, or doing it "just because", I found that it is much more entertaining to read it quickly.  It is more of a story to me.  I make more connections between events.  I get excited reading about the prophecies, looking for them to show up later on.
I encourage you to try this, just once.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what an idea! I might have to try this! -Faith Cannon
